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Rabu, 23 April 2014

Experience of English Teaching Practice Using The Offline Software Application.


On the last Thursday, I and my friend Tutik have presented our presentation about offline software for teaching English language in front of my class. We chose "slow click" software application in website for our presentation. In our presentation, I became the operator and my teammate,Tutik explained the software in front of the class. We used games – slow click as our application software in teaching English language, it is a game that teach simple vocabulary, it provides by many pictures. It can attract the students of elementary school students in studying the English vocabulary. The games provide three categories, sounds, text, and name, so, the students can choose the three categories in studying the vocabulary.
You can choose many contents of vocabulary in the game, such as job, food, animal, nature, traffic, etc.
If you choose Sound category, so you have to answer by clicking the right picture in some choices of pictures based on the sound you hear.
Sound category

 If you choose Text category, so you have to find the right picture that represent to the text provided.
Text category

And if you choose Name category, so you have to find the right picture that represent to the right name provided.

Name category
I think teaching English language using the interactive media was fun and enjoyed experience. We can feel that my friends as my students feel enjoy in studying the material. It has some advantages for the students such as they will focus to the material, because they are not bored in the activity, they will be attractive in studying the material. It is one way in English fun learning in order to improve their ability in vocabulary, not just to notice the teacher explanation about the material all the times in classroom that will be so boring activity, but they can try different things in learning English. 
But I think there are also some disadvantages using the software application in teaching and learning activity, because it has to be prepared appropriately before the teaching learning activity begin.

Selasa, 22 April 2014


Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) offers a wide range of educational, programs, resources, software, journals, organizations, software tutorials including all types of exercises for grammar drills, vocabulary, listening and pronunciation exercises, games, etc. for teaching language in classroom.
CALL has been used since the 1960s and 1970s, but it still lacks a clear research methods. CALL development can be divided into tree phases (Moras, 2001):
a.       Behaviorist: CALL was implemented in the 1960’s and 70’s when the audio-lingual method was widely used. This provided students with drills and practice. In this phase, the computer is used as a tutor, presenting drill exercises without feed-back component, i.e. not including interactive components.
b.      The Communicative approach focuses more on using forms than on the forms themselves. These programs provide skill practice in a nondrill format (e.g. language games, reading, and text reconstruction). In this phase the computer is still used as a tutor, but it gives students choices, control and interaction. Other CALL models use the computer as stimulus.
c.       The current integrative CALL approach is based on multimedia computers and the Internet that combine text, graphics, sound, animation and video.
Students use  a computer as a trendy and useful device, which enables them to be close to the world, the Internet and WWW are very motivating, offering a wide range of authentic material and promoting development of new learning strategies. Students can also create their own web sites or projects, according to their individual needs, inside and outside the classroom; using e-mails, articles, class-conferencing, etc.
Five guidelines designed to help teachers in implementing computer-networked activities in language acquisition:
(1) Consider your goals
Since reasons for using the Internet range from motivation or distraction to improvements in computer skills, the teacher should have self-defined goals in order to use it successfully in the classroom.
(2) Think Integration
Internet gives opportunities to communicate by e-mail and to have pen pals, but that is not enough. The teacher should be deeply involved in activities and integrate them into the learning process, by including e-books, e-journals, joint work on seminars and by supplying other students with information.
(3) Don’t Underestimate the Complexity
The teacher should also be aware of possible difficulties, such as depending on laboratory schedules, malfunctioning hardware or software, missing partner students, delays, differences in background, language and experience.
Communicative approaches to language teaching and learning recognize the importance of linking language learning, practice and use of computer technologies. The classroom should be a place where students engage in the learning process, sparked by activities that motivate them. Well-chosen goals and good teaching organization make students feel that their training will result quite quickly in the ability to use language, computers and in communication activities.

Adapted by:

Rabu, 16 April 2014



Computers and other new information technologies such as video, telecommunication, and speech synthesis have important role in teaching the English language and arts. The computers are used for a device to drill and basic skills.
Computers are used for giving instruction in teaching English language and arts, whether in composition, literature, decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, brainstorming, planning, reasoning, outlining, reference use, study skills, rhetoric, handwriting, drama, and virtually every other area of language arts.
Possible responses of how computers should be used:
a.       Tutors
The computers can distinguish instruction, serve the learning material for the students, and record students’ progress.
b.      Tools
The computers became aid for reading, help students make texts easily, provide revision of texts, and check the errors spelling.
The computers as tools for:
  • Assistance in reading, the computers serves as tools for writing and reading, they can help the readers help to find difficult words
  • Generating ideas and planning, some application software in computer help to planning and generating ideas.
  • Finding information, the computers also help the students to browse information in simulating their reading and writing.
  • Viewing a Text, the students not only can view a text from book, or paper but they can view it from the computers.
  • Viewing the writing process, with text being produced and stored on the computer, there arise new possibilities for examining the writing process.
 c.       Ways to explore language
The computers help students in learning the material in new ways. They make students to think deeply about language patterns, conceptual relationships, and the structure of ideas.
d.      Media
The computers become a new interesting media for students to learn material which provided by tables, charts, graphs, pictures, sounds, video, and text. The computers also can crate webs for related information.
e.       Environment for communication
The computers can be as a tool for communication between students and teachers. Electronic networks are being used increasingly for communication among students and teachers. For example, the Computer Chronicles News Network allows children to share news items from around the world. Teachers are also beginning to use electronic networks for communicating by using electronic mail.

Nowadays, there are many language teachers using computers in teaching English. The technology has become a part of daily life. But, some research find that there are still a few of teacher who do not use the technology in their teaching and learning in classroom, they are called traditional teachers who do not feel comfortable using computers in teaching English. The computers give many benefits for teacher in teaching English, such as the internet that offer much material for teaching in classroom. Moreover, teaching English also can be done by using DVD, from the DVD teacher can get many resources and information as materials for the students.
But, when you as a teacher want to use the computers in lesson, there are few things that should be noted:
  • Always have backup plan, it means that you as a teacher has to prepare if there is immediate accident happened, for example if the site is unavailable to opened, error internet connection, etc., so, you have another plan for teaching the material to the students, you don’t waste time to prepare another plans.
  • Accept the fact that everything will take longer than usual at the beginning. You have to know that you will need more time to prepare your computer lesson if you are a less experience teacher.
  • You have to explain clearly to the students if they have task in their computer classroom, so, they have a clear focus in learning the material, they are not using computers for gaming in classroom.
  • Monitor the students’ work, you have to monitor the students, so they are not doing anything except doing their work in the computer.
  • Be a wise teacher in facing a student who hates computers or has problems using them.
  • Always set a time limit on the task, in order to make the students focus doing works.
  • The teacher should always have something for the students to finish their task early, for example game, a fun reading passage, etc.
  • Always be careful and monitor the students in doing their work, because some of the students might have advanced computer skill, so, they might be able to hack others computer.
  • Acknowledge the students’ knowledge that expert in internet skills and thank them for their willingness to help but stick to your plan.
  • Always share the links with your students.
  • In your website, always differentiate the link for friends and family; and the links for your students, because the things you want to share with your friends are different with the things you want to share with your students.
But there is a lack of the roles for computers teaching language and arts, the current programs and models for computer-based activities are clumsy to use or difficult to integrate with other learning. The costs using computers for teaching language and arts are still high, because there are some resources that have to pay.
The English learning material can be learnt by the students in effective ways, not only by using computers but they can learn the English material from their mobile devices, the device can be operate in three main operational systems, such as Apple iOS, Android, Windows phone. the studies of using mobile device in learning English in classroom is called MALL, Mobile Assisted Language Learning.
The main function of edtech for teaching English language:
a.       A tool for teacher to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
b.  It available in many purposes of EFL class, such as Listening, Voice recognition, Pronunciation checking, Monolingual dictionaries, e-Vocabulary book (Lexical Book),qr code readers, e-flashcards, etc.
c.       As a tool for students in learning in the classroom.
d.      It is effective tool for students in learning English language outside classroom.
e.       Enhance the accessibility of content for impaired students how to use the application.
f.       Give the students feedback.

On 26 March 2013, there was Mobile Symposium which is held by The British Council with MENA (Middle East and North Africa) in Cairo, Egypt discussed about the impact of digital and mobile learning in English language education. The symposium created business opportunities to partner with the British Council in the field of mobile learning. The British Council has developed LearnEnglish Mobile resources that are designed to be accessesed vua mobile phones or computer devices. The LearnEnglish Mobile contains of games, audio material and learning tools that support on interactive content for mobile phones. The application can be downloaded from iTunes and Android Application store.

Sources and adapted from :

Rabu, 09 April 2014


LearnEnglish Grammar (UK Edition)

LearnEnglish Grammar is one of application in mobile phone in improving grammar skills. It’s the best way to reinforce English grammar anywhere. It designed whether for the beginner or experts, so, it can be used for all English learners. The application contains of some practice sample questions at the Elementary and Intermediate level. It offers grammar activities in some levels for more questions at beginner (CEFR level A1), Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced (CEFR level C2), the questions contains of 12 grammar topics, with over 20 activities per topic. 

Each level contains over 600 grammar activities about 25 grammar topics such as Simple past, Question tags and Prepositions.

The questions answer over 1000 practice questions in 10 activity types, such as fill in the blanks, recording words and labeling, so it can improve in achieving better grammar accuracy. The questions type is not in multiple-choice questions, but, you answer the questions by dragging and dropping or rearranging the answers, it is a fun way in learning English language. The questions in the form of text, images, and audio that can make the learners enjoy in learning English Grammar. The application is easy to access, because it is provided app help files that is supported in multiple languages, in English, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Italian and Spanish.

LearnEnglish Audio and Video

LearnEnglish Audio and Video is a mobile phone application focus on listening skills. It is provided by the best podcast and video. You can click any part of the audio script for the next section or listen again. You can slow the audio by using the pitch control (iOS only), if the audio play too fast. You can use the built-in glossary if you find the difficulties in the meaning of the words. It contains of test which can you use for checking your understanding by answering the comprehension exercises. The application make you listen the podcast and watch the videos, it is also provided the highlighted audio script that you can read. You also can enter full screen video mode in landscape orientation to make you watch the video clearly.  

The application is available

You can get more great English learning apps from the British Council at:

sources from:

Idioms and Phrases Dictionary!

Idioms and Phrases Dictionary is an application for android mobile phone about English idioms. It is the largest and free archive of idioms, phrases, sayings, expressions and their meanings. You can learn and practice a lot of English idioms and phrases from this app. This app contains the lists of English Idioms and Phrases, idiomatic expressions, proverb and sayings ordered alphabetically by theme and provided by meaning and example. The explanation is clear completed by illustrations. In learning English language, we often find the English idioms and phrases, so, the app is useful to help you be more understands and improve your English proficiency, especially in idioms and phrases. It can also improve your vocabulary, phrases and sayings, because it is not only defines idioms, but also provides examples of the phrases.
This dictionary app has been tested on latest devices such as Samsung Galaxy S3, S2, Samsung Galaxy Y, HTC, Galaxy Note, etc.  


 Pronunroid - IPA pronunciation

Pronunroid is an education application in Android mobile phone for practicing English phonetics. It is an English phonetic games app for Android. It is used for practicing IPA (International Phonetics Alphabet) English transcription words. This app is useful for ESL learners.
The app contains of: 
 · Guess symbol: you have to guess phonetics symbols of the three words that are presented.  
· Guess pronunciation: you have to write the pronunciation of a written word that is presented. 
· Guess spelling: you have to write the corresponding word of the word pronunciation in IPA that is presented. 
· Look up word: it is used for looks up the word’s IPA pronunciation. 
