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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014


Teaching Listening by Using Information Technology (IT)

We can hear sounds from our ear, so it is called we are listening. "Listening" is receiving language through the ears. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
Whereas listening is the first skill that has to be mastered by the students who learning English, but the skill is quite difficult, because the students has to know the meaning and some vocabularies that utter from the speaker. Based on the source:
There are two approaches to the teaching of listening skills, the natural approach and the total physical response (TPR). 
  • The Natural Approach
The natural approach, developed by Krashen and Terrell (1983), focuses on comprehensible input and the optimum affective state of the learner. 
  • Total Physical Response 
 Total physical response, developed by Asher (1977), is frequently used as a technique within a variety of teaching approaches and methods rather than strictly as an approach unto itself. It focuses on psychomotor associations and lowering of the affective filter.

Both approaches have  their strengths and weaknesses, but in order to make the teaching and learning listening skill be more effective and fun for the students, teacher should use some methods that can easily improve the students' understanding in learning listening. One of the ways is by using Information Technology (IT) that has been improved in the development era. For example we can use recording tape from the native language, listening songs to improve the vocabularies, listening western movie to learn the way they pronounce some words, or by using software Listening skill games that can be learned by students while they are playing it.

So, I think the use of Information Technology (IT) to the teaching and learning process in listening skill is important and have some benefits for both of the teacher and the students. The benefits of teaching Listening by using IT such as making the students be more active in class, create fun learning for students, etc. But, there are also some weaknesses in using Information Technology for teaching Listening skill for students, because the tools that are support the teaching and learning by using IT such as tape recorder, LCD, etc should be prepared by the teacher, and teacher take more attention to handle the students, and take more effort in controlling the students activity in class.

Rabu, 18 Juni 2014


Read the interview text below, then answer the question based on the review text.


Title                              : The Help
Genre                           : Drama
Release Date                : August 10, 2011
Runtime                        : 146 minutes
Director                        : Tate Taylor
Distributor                    : Walt Disney Studious Motion Pictures
Starring                        : Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Olivia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Horward
Country Origin            : United States
Language                      : English

The Help is a drama film directed by Tate Taylor. This film is adapted from the novel “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. The film takes place in 1960s, it tells about the life of Black women maids who work as housekeeper in the White people house. The Help stars are Emma Stone as Skeeter, a college-educated woman who determined became a writer, Viola Davis (Academy Award Nominee) as Aibileen who is a maid in Leefolt family, and Octavia Spencer (the best Actress in Supporting Role in Academy Award in 2012) as Mimy who is a maid in Holbrook family.
Skeeter is a woman who is pursuing her career as a writer. She is a pluck writer who wants to write about something serious and audacious which reveal something taboo. She lived in 1960s, this is the era before the civil rights and there is still separation level between White and Black people. Skeeter joined in community of White women, and most of them have Black woman maid in their home. Skeeter has friend whose name is Hilly. Hilly humiliate her Black woman maid, Mimy. She makes a new rule for her Black woman maid to use different toilet with her family. Hilly thought that the Black women maid can spread disease viruses to her family. In the other hand, Skeeter has different character with Hilly. Skeeter is a kind woman; she thinks that Black women maid shouldn’t accept the bad treatment from their boss. The phenomena encourage her to write about the life of Black women maids who works as housekeeper in the White people’s house. She makes friends with some maids to interview them. Skeeter wanted to interview Aibileen as a maid in Leeflot family. Firstly, Aibileen refused Sketeer’s request to interview her, she thinks that it is dangerous for her life considering that Black people’s rights are still weak in the law. But, finally Aibileen accept Skeeter’s request to interview her. Mimy as a former Hilly’s maid also follows Aibileen to be other Skeeter’s informant about Black woman maid, then it is also followed by other Black women maids in the city. Skeeter success to publish her book which title is The Help, and the book can make influence to the life of Black women maids.
So, she was afraid if she accept Skeeter’s request, she will get a big trouble that can endanger her life. Then, how the continuation of Skeeter’s book that tells the story about the lives of Black maids? Will she be able to persuade Aibileen to be interviewed? Does Sketeer’s writing can influence the life of Black women maids? To find out
I think this is a film of which story can touch people’s heart, it can make sympathy and compassion feeling to people who watch the film. The film not only shows about injustice of Black women maids, but it also served humor which can make the story isn’t boring. It is a film which tells about how the Black women maids suffer from their boss who still humiliates their prestige and right as human. We won’t find any violence in the film, because it is more show about the internal conflict of major character in the film. From the film we can learn about appreciating other people although she is a maid.
 I would suggest that the film is recommended to watch because the film is supported by some talented actress like Octavia Spencer as Mimy who won Academy Award in 2012 as the Best Performance by an Actrees in Supporting Role, Viola Davis as Aibileen who Academy Award Nominee 2012, and Emma Stone as Skeeter. So, we can enjoy the good acting from the talented actrees. The film has story interested, because it take place in 1960s era and show about the life of Black women maids that can inspire us.  

  • Answer the questions below.

1.      What is the social function of the text above?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
2.      Who are the characters that mentioned in the text above?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
3.      Mention and identify the generic structure of the text above.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
4.      What is the title of the movie?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
5.      Who is the director of the movie?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
6.      What is the genre of the movie?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
7.      When did the movie publish?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
8.      Who are Hollywood artist that participate in this movie?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
9.      What awards that the movie has received?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….
10.  After read the review text, what do you think about the text? Can the writer attract you to watch the movie? Give your opinion.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Make a review text of your favorite movie.

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014



There are 4 skills of language ability that should be learnt by students who learn English, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Each of them is important in order to make the students be competent in English. In class, an English teacher should make the students be able to speak English fluently. It’s difficult for the teacher stimulates and motivates the students to speak in English, sometimes, each of them is too shy to try to speak English, because each of students has different characteristics in express their opinion, feeling in English, so it need the teacher’s role to stimulate and motivate the students to speak up in English.

The objective of teaching speaking skills is to make the students be able communicative efficiency. Students should try speaks in English by concerning their pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation.
The teacher’s role has to develop the students’ communicative efficiency in speaking by using some interactive activities which can stimulate the students speaking skills. Nowadays, Information Technology (IT) has developed increasingly, it also give positive effect for the teaching learning activity, especially IT can help the teaching speaking for the students in order to help the teacher motivate and stimulate the students to speak English easily in class. Students are increasingly being trained—in grade schools and high schools—using various kinds of multimedia instruction. An activity that can reflect is the teacher teaching speaking to the students by using interactive video. Video with multimedia games that is shown to the students in front of class, and then the students should give the opinion about the video, so it can stimulate the students to speak up.
IT or multimedia allows a user to seek information and construct knowledge in a variety of ways, and it frequently relies on problem solving as a basis for understanding— using images and video of real world experience to help illustrate abstract principles or concepts. It also may allow the students to know more information, examples, illustrations, and problems to solve.
Teaching speaking by using IT gives positive effect for teacher and students. A recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education (May 5, 1993) examined claims that using technology can make college teaching and learning more effective and found that while scepticism remains and researchers are still uncertain, faculty members using technology believe it’s improving their students’ learning, and making them more productive. But, the teacher should encourage students to think like experts, including getting them to understand problem–solving processes and to critique solutions to problems; make thinking visible, so that the process of learning, not just the result, is emphasized; scaffold knowledge, building on what students already know, so that they can understand and form general principles from new information.
Nowadays, teaching speaking also can be applied by using skype or video call. Skype is an internet software used for having conversation with someone who long distance with us. This application can be used for teacher teaching speaking with the students. And there are many English teaching speaking application by using IT that can be used by teacher for teach the students in classroom.
